Afghan cameleers in Australia

Afghan cameleers in Australia, also known as "Afghans" or "Ghans", were camel drivers who worked in Outback Australia from the 1860s to the 1930s. Small groups of cameleers were shipped in and out of Australia at three-year intervals, to service the Australian inland pastoral industry by carting goods and transporting wool bales by camel trains. The term "Afghan" refers to the Pashtuns who are the ethnic Afghans however the term "Afghan cameleer was an umberalla term which covered Pashtun tribes and Balochs who were amongst the first to travel to Australia, as well as others from regions such as Turkey, Egypt, Punjab, Sindh, Iran and many more.

Afghan cameleers in Australia

Afghan cameleers in Australia, also known as "Afghans" or "Ghans", were camel drivers who worked in Outback Australia from the 1860s to the 1930s. Small groups of cameleers were shipped in and out of Australia at three-year intervals, to service the Australian inland pastoral industry by carting goods and transporting wool bales by camel trains. The term "Afghan" refers to the Pashtuns who are the ethnic Afghans however the term "Afghan cameleer was an umberalla term which covered Pashtun tribes and Balochs who were amongst the first to travel to Australia, as well as others from regions such as Turkey, Egypt, Punjab, Sindh, Iran and many more.