Agdistopis sinhala

Agdistopis sinhala is a moth of the family Macropiratidae. It is found in south-east Asia, including Sri Lanka, India, Japan and Taiwan. The species was described under three different names during the early decades of the twentieth century, first by Thomas Bainbrigge Fletcher in 1909, as a member of the widely distributed plume moth genus Agdistis: AGDISTIS SINHALA, n.s. Type ♂ (No. 6,900) in Coll. Bainbrigge Fletcher. Macropiratis heteromantis, n. sp. The wingspan is 25–38 mm.

Agdistopis sinhala

Agdistopis sinhala is a moth of the family Macropiratidae. It is found in south-east Asia, including Sri Lanka, India, Japan and Taiwan. The species was described under three different names during the early decades of the twentieth century, first by Thomas Bainbrigge Fletcher in 1909, as a member of the widely distributed plume moth genus Agdistis: AGDISTIS SINHALA, n.s. Type ♂ (No. 6,900) in Coll. Bainbrigge Fletcher. Macropiratis heteromantis, n. sp. The wingspan is 25–38 mm.