Agence des participations de l'État

Agence des participations de l'État (APE, literally "State participation agency"), created in 2004 under the government of Jean-Pierre Raffarin, is a French national public administration. The agency exercises, while ensuring the patrimonial interests of the State, the mission of the State shareholder in the companies and organizations controlled or owned, majority or not, directly or indirectly, by the State.

Agence des participations de l'État

Agence des participations de l'État (APE, literally "State participation agency"), created in 2004 under the government of Jean-Pierre Raffarin, is a French national public administration. The agency exercises, while ensuring the patrimonial interests of the State, the mission of the State shareholder in the companies and organizations controlled or owned, majority or not, directly or indirectly, by the State.