Agim Hajrizi

Agim Hajrizi (1961–1999), was a Kosovo Albanian human rights activist and the president of the Union of Independent Trade Unions of Kosova (BSPK). Agim Hajrizi was murdered by Serb paramilitary soldiers in his home in Mitrovica on 24 March 1999, during the Kosovo War, with his mother Nazmie and 12-year-old son Ilir. It is thought he was targeted for his political activities, similar to other prominent Kosovo Albanians killed by Serbian forces at the same time.

Agim Hajrizi

Agim Hajrizi (1961–1999), was a Kosovo Albanian human rights activist and the president of the Union of Independent Trade Unions of Kosova (BSPK). Agim Hajrizi was murdered by Serb paramilitary soldiers in his home in Mitrovica on 24 March 1999, during the Kosovo War, with his mother Nazmie and 12-year-old son Ilir. It is thought he was targeted for his political activities, similar to other prominent Kosovo Albanians killed by Serbian forces at the same time.