
Agnolini are a type of stuffed egg pasta originating from the province of Mantua (in the Mantuan dialect they are commonly called "agnulìn" or "agnulì") and are oftentimes eaten in soup or broth. The recipe for Agnolotti was first published in 1662 by , a cook at the court of the Gonzaga family, in his book The art of cooking well Agnolini's recipe is passed down from generation to generation by Mantuan families. Agnolini differ from the classic Emilian tortellini, to which they are similar, due to differences in the ingredients needed for the pasta dough, as well as in shape.


Agnolini are a type of stuffed egg pasta originating from the province of Mantua (in the Mantuan dialect they are commonly called "agnulìn" or "agnulì") and are oftentimes eaten in soup or broth. The recipe for Agnolotti was first published in 1662 by , a cook at the court of the Gonzaga family, in his book The art of cooking well Agnolini's recipe is passed down from generation to generation by Mantuan families. Agnolini differ from the classic Emilian tortellini, to which they are similar, due to differences in the ingredients needed for the pasta dough, as well as in shape.