Agostino Lo Piano Pomar

Agostino Lo Piano Pomar (Caltanissetta, August 24, 1871 – Caltanissetta, July 17, 1927) was a Sicilian lawyer, socialist and politician. He was one of the national leaders of the Fasci Siciliani (Sicilian Leagues) a popular movement of democratic and socialist inspiration in 1891-1894. He was a tireless organizer of sulfur miners in the Caltanissetta area battling for higher wages and improved working conditions. He became the leader of the Fascio dei lavoratori (Workers League) of Caltanissetta that was founded on March 18, 1893.

Agostino Lo Piano Pomar

Agostino Lo Piano Pomar (Caltanissetta, August 24, 1871 – Caltanissetta, July 17, 1927) was a Sicilian lawyer, socialist and politician. He was one of the national leaders of the Fasci Siciliani (Sicilian Leagues) a popular movement of democratic and socialist inspiration in 1891-1894. He was a tireless organizer of sulfur miners in the Caltanissetta area battling for higher wages and improved working conditions. He became the leader of the Fascio dei lavoratori (Workers League) of Caltanissetta that was founded on March 18, 1893.