Agreement Between the Allied and Associated Powers with Regard to the Italian Reparation Payments

The Agreement between the Allied and Associated Powers with Regard to the Contribution to the Cost of Liberation of the Territories of the Former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy was concluded on 10 September 1919 and complemented the Saint-Germain peace treaty with Austria. The treaty was registered in the League of Nations Treaty Series on 21 October 1920. The agreement was modified by a declaration issued by the signatory parties on 8 December 1919, which allowed the Italian government to issue bonds over a longer period of time to pay off its debts.

Agreement Between the Allied and Associated Powers with Regard to the Italian Reparation Payments

The Agreement between the Allied and Associated Powers with Regard to the Contribution to the Cost of Liberation of the Territories of the Former Austro-Hungarian Monarchy was concluded on 10 September 1919 and complemented the Saint-Germain peace treaty with Austria. The treaty was registered in the League of Nations Treaty Series on 21 October 1920. The agreement was modified by a declaration issued by the signatory parties on 8 December 1919, which allowed the Italian government to issue bonds over a longer period of time to pay off its debts.