Agrimonia parviflora

Agrimonia parviflora is a species of perennial herbaceous flowering plant. Small-flowered agrimony, harvestlice agrimony, swamp agrimony, and harvestlice are its most common names in the United States. This plant species is part of the Rosaceae (rose) family. Globally, the genus Agrimonia consist of about fifteen species of plants. Seven of these species are native to the United States. Most members of this genus have small yellow flowers with large leaves. Out of the fifteen species, harvestlice is considered the most noxious weed.

Agrimonia parviflora

Agrimonia parviflora is a species of perennial herbaceous flowering plant. Small-flowered agrimony, harvestlice agrimony, swamp agrimony, and harvestlice are its most common names in the United States. This plant species is part of the Rosaceae (rose) family. Globally, the genus Agrimonia consist of about fifteen species of plants. Seven of these species are native to the United States. Most members of this genus have small yellow flowers with large leaves. Out of the fifteen species, harvestlice is considered the most noxious weed.