
Agudar ('Creator') is the creator god in Aleutian mythology. The name is also alternately rendered as Agurur, Agûģuq, Agugux, Agu'gux or Agu'gux'. Agudar is a universal force, similar to the concept of Great Spirit in other Native American religions. They are believed to be the creator of the universe, a hunting deity who watches over animals and hunters, a reincarnation deity and a solar deity. The worship of Agudar by men and women were performed separately, in sacred places such as caves. Only adult males were allowed in sacred ceremonies.


Agudar ('Creator') is the creator god in Aleutian mythology. The name is also alternately rendered as Agurur, Agûģuq, Agugux, Agu'gux or Agu'gux'. Agudar is a universal force, similar to the concept of Great Spirit in other Native American religions. They are believed to be the creator of the universe, a hunting deity who watches over animals and hunters, a reincarnation deity and a solar deity. The worship of Agudar by men and women were performed separately, in sacred places such as caves. Only adult males were allowed in sacred ceremonies.