Ahmed Nuhu Bamalli

Ahmed Nuhu Bamalli (born 8 June 1966) is a Nigerian lawyer, banker and diplomat. He is the former Nigerian ambassador to Thailand with concurrent accreditation to Myanmar, and the current Emir of Zazzau, a Nigerian traditional state with headquarters in Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria. He is the first Emir from the Mallawa ruling house to be enthroned in a century after the demise of his grandfather, Emir in 1920.

Ahmed Nuhu Bamalli

Ahmed Nuhu Bamalli (born 8 June 1966) is a Nigerian lawyer, banker and diplomat. He is the former Nigerian ambassador to Thailand with concurrent accreditation to Myanmar, and the current Emir of Zazzau, a Nigerian traditional state with headquarters in Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria. He is the first Emir from the Mallawa ruling house to be enthroned in a century after the demise of his grandfather, Emir in 1920.