Ahmet Abakay

Ahmet Abakay (born 3 April 1950) is a Turkish journalist, author, and the head of the Progressive Journalists' Association (Turkish: Çağdaş Gazeteciler Cemiyeti Başkanı). He is the author of many books, including The Last Words of Hoşana (Hoşana'nın Son Sözü) and The Minister Counselors' Notepad (Bakan Danışmanı'nın Not Defteri). His most recent book published in 2013, The Last Words of Hoşana, is about his mother, who revealed her Armenian identity just weeks before she died. Due to his recent revelations in the book, Abakay has received harsh criticism from his family members.

Ahmet Abakay

Ahmet Abakay (born 3 April 1950) is a Turkish journalist, author, and the head of the Progressive Journalists' Association (Turkish: Çağdaş Gazeteciler Cemiyeti Başkanı). He is the author of many books, including The Last Words of Hoşana (Hoşana'nın Son Sözü) and The Minister Counselors' Notepad (Bakan Danışmanı'nın Not Defteri). His most recent book published in 2013, The Last Words of Hoşana, is about his mother, who revealed her Armenian identity just weeks before she died. Due to his recent revelations in the book, Abakay has received harsh criticism from his family members.