Aidan McQuade

Aidan Joseph McQuade has been Director (Chief Executive) of Anti-Slavery International since 2006. He comes from South Armagh, Northern Ireland. McQuade is a contributor to The Guardian, Equal Times and The Independent on issues of slavery, forced labour and related matters. In 2013 he highlighted the need for slavery eradication to be made a post-2015 Sustainable Development Goal. In 2014 he called for greater regulation of international business to reduce slavery in global supply chains. In an article for The Independent in March 2015 he accused Sepp Blatter of Fifa of moral responsibility for the death and enslavement of South Asian construction workers preparing Qatar for the 2022 World Cup.

Aidan McQuade

Aidan Joseph McQuade has been Director (Chief Executive) of Anti-Slavery International since 2006. He comes from South Armagh, Northern Ireland. McQuade is a contributor to The Guardian, Equal Times and The Independent on issues of slavery, forced labour and related matters. In 2013 he highlighted the need for slavery eradication to be made a post-2015 Sustainable Development Goal. In 2014 he called for greater regulation of international business to reduce slavery in global supply chains. In an article for The Independent in March 2015 he accused Sepp Blatter of Fifa of moral responsibility for the death and enslavement of South Asian construction workers preparing Qatar for the 2022 World Cup.