Airline timetable

Airline timetables are printed pamphlets or folders that many airlines have traditionally used to inform passengers of several different things, such as schedules, fleet, security, in-flight entertainment, food menus, baggage weight restrictions, and contact information. Airline timetables used to be printed, multi-page pamphlets available at airport counters, or upon request by phone or mail. On January 16, 1928, Pan Am published one of their first timetables. It read The air-way to Havana, Pan American Airways, Pershing Square Building, New York.

Airline timetable

Airline timetables are printed pamphlets or folders that many airlines have traditionally used to inform passengers of several different things, such as schedules, fleet, security, in-flight entertainment, food menus, baggage weight restrictions, and contact information. Airline timetables used to be printed, multi-page pamphlets available at airport counters, or upon request by phone or mail. On January 16, 1928, Pan Am published one of their first timetables. It read The air-way to Havana, Pan American Airways, Pershing Square Building, New York.