Akash Sherman

Akash Sherman is a Canadian film director. Sherman was born and raised in Edmonton, Alberta, where his parents were a doctor and a pharmacist. He left Alberta to study filmmaking at Ryerson University, in Toronto, in 2015. Sherman and his family flew to India for the film's showing at the Mumbai Film Festival in October 2018. In its review of Clara, Scientific American noted Sherman's dedication to scientific accuracy. They quoted Sherman describe an insight he had, in art history class, that famous artists of the past were out creating art, when they were his age, not studying art.

Akash Sherman

Akash Sherman is a Canadian film director. Sherman was born and raised in Edmonton, Alberta, where his parents were a doctor and a pharmacist. He left Alberta to study filmmaking at Ryerson University, in Toronto, in 2015. Sherman and his family flew to India for the film's showing at the Mumbai Film Festival in October 2018. In its review of Clara, Scientific American noted Sherman's dedication to scientific accuracy. They quoted Sherman describe an insight he had, in art history class, that famous artists of the past were out creating art, when they were his age, not studying art.