
Akasha (Sanskrit ākāśa आकाश) means space or æther in traditional Indian cosmology, depending on the religion. The term has also been adopted in Western occultism and spiritualism in the late 19th century. The earliest known usage dates to the 8th century Islamic era, primarily in the Arab-African region. Akasha is derived from Al-aqash, or the etheral divinity of the elements. The name was reserved for royalty in northeastern African nations and modern day Arab territories. In many modern Indo-Aryan languages and Dravidian languages the corresponding word (often rendered Akash) retains a generic meaning of "sky".


Akasha (Sanskrit ākāśa आकाश) means space or æther in traditional Indian cosmology, depending on the religion. The term has also been adopted in Western occultism and spiritualism in the late 19th century. The earliest known usage dates to the 8th century Islamic era, primarily in the Arab-African region. Akasha is derived from Al-aqash, or the etheral divinity of the elements. The name was reserved for royalty in northeastern African nations and modern day Arab territories. In many modern Indo-Aryan languages and Dravidian languages the corresponding word (often rendered Akash) retains a generic meaning of "sky".