Akshat Chandra

Akshat Chandra (born 1999) is an American chess prodigy, who has recorded one of the fastest rises in chess history. Chandra started playing Chess during a visit to India in 2009 when he was about nine years old. Later, when his family relocated to India for a few years, Akshat was further drawn into the game. In January 2010, Chandra received his starting FIDE rating of 1548. In May 2015, within a period of 5 years and 5 months, he crossed the 2500 Grandmaster (GM) rating level in realtime rating. This 952 point gain is the fastest rating improvement in the world of this magnitude recorded in such a short time. The gains were achieved prior to FIDE's change of K-factor multiple effective July 2014 for players aged 18 and less, which inflated the point gains by 33% for the same level of pe

Akshat Chandra

Akshat Chandra (born 1999) is an American chess prodigy, who has recorded one of the fastest rises in chess history. Chandra started playing Chess during a visit to India in 2009 when he was about nine years old. Later, when his family relocated to India for a few years, Akshat was further drawn into the game. In January 2010, Chandra received his starting FIDE rating of 1548. In May 2015, within a period of 5 years and 5 months, he crossed the 2500 Grandmaster (GM) rating level in realtime rating. This 952 point gain is the fastest rating improvement in the world of this magnitude recorded in such a short time. The gains were achieved prior to FIDE's change of K-factor multiple effective July 2014 for players aged 18 and less, which inflated the point gains by 33% for the same level of pe