Alain Ducasse at the Dorchester

Alain Ducasse at The Dorchester is a restaurant located in The Dorchester, a hotel on Park Lane, London. It is one of over 25 restaurants operated by French-born Monégasque chef Alain Ducasse: the Executive Chef is , who replaced Jocelyn Herland in January 2016. Since 2010, it has been one of seven UK-sited restaurants to hold three Michelin stars. It opened in November 2007.

Alain Ducasse at the Dorchester

Alain Ducasse at The Dorchester is a restaurant located in The Dorchester, a hotel on Park Lane, London. It is one of over 25 restaurants operated by French-born Monégasque chef Alain Ducasse: the Executive Chef is , who replaced Jocelyn Herland in January 2016. Since 2010, it has been one of seven UK-sited restaurants to hold three Michelin stars. It opened in November 2007.