Albanian–Turkish Wars (1432–1479)

The Albanian-Turkish Wars (1432–1479) was an almost 47-year-long anti-Ottoman war led by the renegade Ottoman sanjakbey Skanderbeg and his father Gjon Kastrioti on the territory which belonged to the Ottoman sanjaks of Albania, Dibra and Ohrid (modern-day Albania and North Macedonia) and also included the Serbian Despotate (modern-day Serbia and Kosovo) and Lordship of Zeta (today Montenegro).

Albanian–Turkish Wars (1432–1479)

The Albanian-Turkish Wars (1432–1479) was an almost 47-year-long anti-Ottoman war led by the renegade Ottoman sanjakbey Skanderbeg and his father Gjon Kastrioti on the territory which belonged to the Ottoman sanjaks of Albania, Dibra and Ohrid (modern-day Albania and North Macedonia) and also included the Serbian Despotate (modern-day Serbia and Kosovo) and Lordship of Zeta (today Montenegro).