Albanian piracy

A period of Albanian piracy (Albanian: Pirateria shqipëtare) occurred from the 15th to the 19th centuries, during which Albanian pirates plundered and raided ships. These pirates were based mainly in Ulcinj, but were also found in Bar and Ragusa, and had connections with North Africa. — Alvise Foscari, Dispacci 1708-1711, n. 44, 7 October 1710.

Albanian piracy

A period of Albanian piracy (Albanian: Pirateria shqipëtare) occurred from the 15th to the 19th centuries, during which Albanian pirates plundered and raided ships. These pirates were based mainly in Ulcinj, but were also found in Bar and Ragusa, and had connections with North Africa. — Alvise Foscari, Dispacci 1708-1711, n. 44, 7 October 1710.