Albany Woollen Mills

Albany Woollen Mills, also known as the Western Australian Worsted and Woollen Mills Ltd., was a woollen mill located in Albany, Western Australia. The idea of having a mill in Albany was first proposed in 1920, an article in the Albany Advertiser suggested the town was a strong contender due to the good supply of fresh water and local climatic conditions. A local solicitor, S. G. Haynes, gifted 30 acres (12 ha) of land for the project. In 1921 the Minister of Industry, John Scaddan, announced that Albany had been chosen over sites in Perth, Bunbury and Collie. * * Foundation stone * *

Albany Woollen Mills

Albany Woollen Mills, also known as the Western Australian Worsted and Woollen Mills Ltd., was a woollen mill located in Albany, Western Australia. The idea of having a mill in Albany was first proposed in 1920, an article in the Albany Advertiser suggested the town was a strong contender due to the good supply of fresh water and local climatic conditions. A local solicitor, S. G. Haynes, gifted 30 acres (12 ha) of land for the project. In 1921 the Minister of Industry, John Scaddan, announced that Albany had been chosen over sites in Perth, Bunbury and Collie. * * Foundation stone * *