
Aldebrandus or Aldebrand (Italian: Aldebrando di Fossombrone), also known as Hildebrand (1119–30 April 1219), was a Bishop of Fossombrone and a saint. Aldebrandus was almost certainly born at Sorrivoli in the comune of Roncofreddo, Italy. He was educated by the canons of near Ravenna. After being ordained to the priesthood, he was appointed provost of the chapter of Rimini Cathedral, where his bold preaching against sinful living put him at odds with those in authority. He was threatened with death and forced to flee the area.


Aldebrandus or Aldebrand (Italian: Aldebrando di Fossombrone), also known as Hildebrand (1119–30 April 1219), was a Bishop of Fossombrone and a saint. Aldebrandus was almost certainly born at Sorrivoli in the comune of Roncofreddo, Italy. He was educated by the canons of near Ravenna. After being ordained to the priesthood, he was appointed provost of the chapter of Rimini Cathedral, where his bold preaching against sinful living put him at odds with those in authority. He was threatened with death and forced to flee the area.