Alessandro Molon

Alessandro Lucciola Molon (Belo Horizonte, October 28, 1971) is a Brazilian teacher and politician, member of the Brazilian Socialist Party (PSB) and current Leader of the Opposition in the Chamber of Deputies. He was the rapporteur to Brazil's Bill of Rights for the Internet (Marco Civil da Internet), ensuring net neutrality, privacy protection and freedom of expression online. He is also one of the leading figures of the fight against corruption - in 2018, he was recognized by Prêmio Congresso em Foco as the congressman who best fights corruption and organized crime. In 2017 and 2019, he was chosen by the jury of the award and by journalists, respectively, as the best federal deputy in Brazil.

Alessandro Molon

Alessandro Lucciola Molon (Belo Horizonte, October 28, 1971) is a Brazilian teacher and politician, member of the Brazilian Socialist Party (PSB) and current Leader of the Opposition in the Chamber of Deputies. He was the rapporteur to Brazil's Bill of Rights for the Internet (Marco Civil da Internet), ensuring net neutrality, privacy protection and freedom of expression online. He is also one of the leading figures of the fight against corruption - in 2018, he was recognized by Prêmio Congresso em Foco as the congressman who best fights corruption and organized crime. In 2017 and 2019, he was chosen by the jury of the award and by journalists, respectively, as the best federal deputy in Brazil.