Alexander (crater)

Alexander is a lunar impact crater-like feature in the rugged surface to the north of Mare Serenitatis. It lies to the south-southwest of the prominent crater Eudoxus, and to the east-northeast of Calippus. It was named after Alexander the Great. The crater floor is more smooth and has a darker albedo in the western half, and gradually grows lighter and more impacted toward the east. There are no craters of significance within the perimeter of this formation, although there are tiny craterlets aplenty in the rougher eastern section.

Alexander (crater)

Alexander is a lunar impact crater-like feature in the rugged surface to the north of Mare Serenitatis. It lies to the south-southwest of the prominent crater Eudoxus, and to the east-northeast of Calippus. It was named after Alexander the Great. The crater floor is more smooth and has a darker albedo in the western half, and gradually grows lighter and more impacted toward the east. There are no craters of significance within the perimeter of this formation, although there are tiny craterlets aplenty in the rougher eastern section.