Alexander Wassilko von Serecki

Baron Alexander Wassilko von Serecki (December 17, 1827, Berhometh, Austria – August 20, 1893, Lopuszna (Lăpușna), Austria-Hungary), descendant of an old Moldavian boyar family, was an Austro-Hungarian ethnic Romanian statesman, Landeshauptmann of the Duchy of Bukovina and member of the Herrenhaus, the Upper House of the Imperial Council of Austria.

Alexander Wassilko von Serecki

Baron Alexander Wassilko von Serecki (December 17, 1827, Berhometh, Austria – August 20, 1893, Lopuszna (Lăpușna), Austria-Hungary), descendant of an old Moldavian boyar family, was an Austro-Hungarian ethnic Romanian statesman, Landeshauptmann of the Duchy of Bukovina and member of the Herrenhaus, the Upper House of the Imperial Council of Austria.