Alguna Pregunta Més?

Alguna Pregunta Més? (Catalan for "Any more questions?") often referred to by its initials APM? is a Catalan comedy show aired on the autonomous community's main public TV station TV3 since 2004, being the longest-running humor show in the channel. APM? has also gained nationwide exposure and popularity thanks to YouTube. The program consists of a humorous recall of the news in Catalonia and the rest of Spain mixing scenes from television shows, documentaries, adverts and films.

Alguna Pregunta Més?

Alguna Pregunta Més? (Catalan for "Any more questions?") often referred to by its initials APM? is a Catalan comedy show aired on the autonomous community's main public TV station TV3 since 2004, being the longest-running humor show in the channel. APM? has also gained nationwide exposure and popularity thanks to YouTube. The program consists of a humorous recall of the news in Catalonia and the rest of Spain mixing scenes from television shows, documentaries, adverts and films.