Ali Mohammed Khan

Ali Muhammad Khan (bf. 1714 – 15 September 1748) was a Rohilla chief who succeeded his foster father Sardar Daud Khan Rohilla at the age of fourteen. He eventually went on to found the Kingdom of Rohilkhand in the northwestern region of the Uttar Pradesh state of India and was generally regarded as non-oppressive ruler to the masses. He was well regarded for his political ability, and was granted the right to use India's highest insignia of the Mahseer by the Emperor Muhammad Shah. His young death along with the tender age of his children led to Hafiz Rehmat Khan's regency which was in large part governed against his wishes, despite Rehmat Khan's solemn oath on the Quran to fulfil dying Ali Mohammad's will. On his death the disenfranchisement and neglect of his sons by Rehmat Khan caused o

Ali Mohammed Khan

Ali Muhammad Khan (bf. 1714 – 15 September 1748) was a Rohilla chief who succeeded his foster father Sardar Daud Khan Rohilla at the age of fourteen. He eventually went on to found the Kingdom of Rohilkhand in the northwestern region of the Uttar Pradesh state of India and was generally regarded as non-oppressive ruler to the masses. He was well regarded for his political ability, and was granted the right to use India's highest insignia of the Mahseer by the Emperor Muhammad Shah. His young death along with the tender age of his children led to Hafiz Rehmat Khan's regency which was in large part governed against his wishes, despite Rehmat Khan's solemn oath on the Quran to fulfil dying Ali Mohammad's will. On his death the disenfranchisement and neglect of his sons by Rehmat Khan caused o