Aljoscha Long

Aljoscha Andreas Long is a German writer, psychologist, philosopher, composer and martial arts teacher. Aljoscha Long studied psychology in Toronto, Canada, philosophy and linguistics in Munich, Germany. He has been teaching cognitive psychology in Munich and Minneapolis and neuropsychology in Nanning, China. Currently he lives in Munich, where he teaches martial arts and works as a composer and writer. He is a member of Mensa. Most of his books are written in cooperation with his schoolmate, Ronald Schweppe, a musician, meditation teacher, writer and founder of the Munich Chamber Opera.

Aljoscha Long

Aljoscha Andreas Long is a German writer, psychologist, philosopher, composer and martial arts teacher. Aljoscha Long studied psychology in Toronto, Canada, philosophy and linguistics in Munich, Germany. He has been teaching cognitive psychology in Munich and Minneapolis and neuropsychology in Nanning, China. Currently he lives in Munich, where he teaches martial arts and works as a composer and writer. He is a member of Mensa. Most of his books are written in cooperation with his schoolmate, Ronald Schweppe, a musician, meditation teacher, writer and founder of the Munich Chamber Opera.