All-Polish Youth

The All-Polish Youth (Polish: Młodzież Wszechpolska) refers to two inter-linked Polish far-right ultranationalist youth organizations, with a Catholic-nationalist philosophy. Its agenda declares that its aim is "to raise Polish youth in a Catholic and patriotic spirit". The inter-war incarnation was created in 1922 as part of the National Democracy movement, and was modelled after the inter-war fascist movement Falanga. During World War II it operated underground and was clamped down on the break of 1945/1946 by the Communist authorities.

All-Polish Youth

The All-Polish Youth (Polish: Młodzież Wszechpolska) refers to two inter-linked Polish far-right ultranationalist youth organizations, with a Catholic-nationalist philosophy. Its agenda declares that its aim is "to raise Polish youth in a Catholic and patriotic spirit". The inter-war incarnation was created in 1922 as part of the National Democracy movement, and was modelled after the inter-war fascist movement Falanga. During World War II it operated underground and was clamped down on the break of 1945/1946 by the Communist authorities.