Allegheny Textile Strikes of 1845 and 1848

The Allegheny Textile Strikes of 1845 and 1848 occurred in Allegheny, Pennsylvania. This was a factory town in the 1840s with bad working conditions and the fight for a ten hour day was prominent here. The 1848 strike was a response to relaxed laws following the 1845 strike despite agreements made in 1845. Both were led by women and children because they were the majority of the textile workforce.

Allegheny Textile Strikes of 1845 and 1848

The Allegheny Textile Strikes of 1845 and 1848 occurred in Allegheny, Pennsylvania. This was a factory town in the 1840s with bad working conditions and the fight for a ten hour day was prominent here. The 1848 strike was a response to relaxed laws following the 1845 strike despite agreements made in 1845. Both were led by women and children because they were the majority of the textile workforce.