Aloisio the New

Aloisio the New, known in Russian as Aleviz Novyi or Aleviz Fryazin, was an Italian Renaissance architect invited by Ivan III to work in Moscow. Some Italian scholars have attempted to identify him with the Venetian sculptor Alvise Lamberti da Montagnana, but the point is still widely disputed. On his way to Russia, Aloisio was captured by Meñli I Giray, the khan of Crimea. At the khan's court, Aloisio built some sections of the famous palace in Bakhchisaray. The Italianate carved portal of the palace is particularly noteworthy.

Aloisio the New

Aloisio the New, known in Russian as Aleviz Novyi or Aleviz Fryazin, was an Italian Renaissance architect invited by Ivan III to work in Moscow. Some Italian scholars have attempted to identify him with the Venetian sculptor Alvise Lamberti da Montagnana, but the point is still widely disputed. On his way to Russia, Aloisio was captured by Meñli I Giray, the khan of Crimea. At the khan's court, Aloisio built some sections of the famous palace in Bakhchisaray. The Italianate carved portal of the palace is particularly noteworthy.