Alsagoff family

The family of Al-Saggoff (Arabic: السقاف ; transliterated elsewhere al-Saqqaf or al-Saqqāf) were Arab Singaporean spice traders of Hadhrami origin, who became influential by marrying into a royal family from the Celebes (now Sulawesi, Indonesia). They acquired many properties, like the other Arab families, including the "Perseverance Estate" where they grew lemon grass. The estate is now considered to be the heart of the Muslim community in Singapore, with the Alsagoff family still retaining its prominence there. They originally belong to the Ba'Alawi clan of the Bani Hashim in Hadhramaut. Hence they are a Ba'Alawi Sayyid family. Then master chef of the Alsagoff family Mr. Abdul Rahiman established a restaurant named Islamic in 1921 in Singapore which is functioning till date

Alsagoff family

The family of Al-Saggoff (Arabic: السقاف ; transliterated elsewhere al-Saqqaf or al-Saqqāf) were Arab Singaporean spice traders of Hadhrami origin, who became influential by marrying into a royal family from the Celebes (now Sulawesi, Indonesia). They acquired many properties, like the other Arab families, including the "Perseverance Estate" where they grew lemon grass. The estate is now considered to be the heart of the Muslim community in Singapore, with the Alsagoff family still retaining its prominence there. They originally belong to the Ba'Alawi clan of the Bani Hashim in Hadhramaut. Hence they are a Ba'Alawi Sayyid family. Then master chef of the Alsagoff family Mr. Abdul Rahiman established a restaurant named Islamic in 1921 in Singapore which is functioning till date