Alsophila edanoi

Alsophila edanoi, synonym Cyathea edanoi, is a species of tree fern endemic to Luzon in the Philippines, where it grows in montane forest at an altitude of about 1300 m. The trunk is erect and 1–2 m tall. Fronds are bi- or tripinnate and approximately 1 m long. The stipe is covered in dark, glossy scales that have narrow, fragile edges. Sori occur near the midvein of fertile pinnules and are covered, sometimes half-covered, by large, firm, brown indusia.

Alsophila edanoi

Alsophila edanoi, synonym Cyathea edanoi, is a species of tree fern endemic to Luzon in the Philippines, where it grows in montane forest at an altitude of about 1300 m. The trunk is erect and 1–2 m tall. Fronds are bi- or tripinnate and approximately 1 m long. The stipe is covered in dark, glossy scales that have narrow, fragile edges. Sori occur near the midvein of fertile pinnules and are covered, sometimes half-covered, by large, firm, brown indusia.