Amatitlania septemfasciata

Amatitlania septemfasciata (sometimes called the Seven-stripe Cichlid or Cutter's Cichlid) is a fish species in the cichlid family. It is found on the Atlantic slope of Costa Rica, between the drainage and the Banano River. Several currently recognized cichlid species within the genus Amatitlania were formerly considered varieties of Amatitlania septumfasciata, including , the Topaz Cichlid, and (which also sometimes uses the common name "Cutter's Cichlid").

Amatitlania septemfasciata

Amatitlania septemfasciata (sometimes called the Seven-stripe Cichlid or Cutter's Cichlid) is a fish species in the cichlid family. It is found on the Atlantic slope of Costa Rica, between the drainage and the Banano River. Several currently recognized cichlid species within the genus Amatitlania were formerly considered varieties of Amatitlania septumfasciata, including , the Topaz Cichlid, and (which also sometimes uses the common name "Cutter's Cichlid").