American Horror Story: Asylum

American Horror Story: Asylum is the second season of the American FX horror anthology television series American Horror Story, created by Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk. It originally aired from October 17, 2012, to January 23, 2013. The premise of the second season marked a departure from that of the series's first season, featuring all-new characters and a new location, thus marking American Horror Story as an anthology series.

American Horror Story: Asylum

American Horror Story: Asylum is the second season of the American FX horror anthology television series American Horror Story, created by Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk. It originally aired from October 17, 2012, to January 23, 2013. The premise of the second season marked a departure from that of the series's first season, featuring all-new characters and a new location, thus marking American Horror Story as an anthology series.