Amersham A Cappella

Amersham A Cappella is a ladies' barbershop chorus affiliated with LABBS (The Ladies' Association of British Barbershop Singers). The chorus is based in Amersham, Buckinghamshire. As a competing barbershop chorus, Amersham A Cappella have been awarded several awards and accolades – some of their more recent include: Their album "Wow! It's Amersham A Cappella", released in 2016 came 2nd place in the International 2016 Contemporary A Cappella Awards for Best Barbershop Album of the Year.

Amersham A Cappella

Amersham A Cappella is a ladies' barbershop chorus affiliated with LABBS (The Ladies' Association of British Barbershop Singers). The chorus is based in Amersham, Buckinghamshire. As a competing barbershop chorus, Amersham A Cappella have been awarded several awards and accolades – some of their more recent include: Their album "Wow! It's Amersham A Cappella", released in 2016 came 2nd place in the International 2016 Contemporary A Cappella Awards for Best Barbershop Album of the Year.