Amis des monuments rouennais

The Amis des monuments rouennais (A.M.R.; Friends of Rouen Monuments) or Société des amis des monuments rouennais (Society of Friends of Rouen Monuments) is an association in the French city of Rouen, with the main aim of saving threatened historic buildings there. It was established in 1886 and is now based in the city's Hôtel des sociétés savantes at 190 rue Beauvoisine. In French law it is an 'association loi de 1901'.

Amis des monuments rouennais

The Amis des monuments rouennais (A.M.R.; Friends of Rouen Monuments) or Société des amis des monuments rouennais (Society of Friends of Rouen Monuments) is an association in the French city of Rouen, with the main aim of saving threatened historic buildings there. It was established in 1886 and is now based in the city's Hôtel des sociétés savantes at 190 rue Beauvoisine. In French law it is an 'association loi de 1901'.