Anal fascia

The anal fascia is the inferior layer of the diaphragmatic part of the pelvic fascia, which covers both surfaces of the levatores ani. It is attached above to the obturator fascia along the line of origin of the levator ani, while below it is continuous with the superior fascia of the urogenital diaphragm, and with the fascia on the sphincter ani internus. The layer covering the upper surface of the pelvic diaphragm follows, above, the line of origin of the levator ani and is therefore somewhat variable.

Anal fascia

The anal fascia is the inferior layer of the diaphragmatic part of the pelvic fascia, which covers both surfaces of the levatores ani. It is attached above to the obturator fascia along the line of origin of the levator ani, while below it is continuous with the superior fascia of the urogenital diaphragm, and with the fascia on the sphincter ani internus. The layer covering the upper surface of the pelvic diaphragm follows, above, the line of origin of the levator ani and is therefore somewhat variable.