Anatolii I. Zvyagin

Zvyagin Anatolii Illarionovich (born 14 November 1937 Panyutino, Kharkiv Region - died 4 May 1991 Kharkiv) – physicist-researcher, Doctor of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics), Professor, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, the State Prize of the Ukrainian SSR in Science and Technology, director of the Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering (1988-1991). He is known as the author of pioneer studies of dynamical (in the wide range of frequencies, including rf, IR, and optical ones), magnetic, and thermal properties of low-symmetric and low-dimensional magnetic insulators.

Anatolii I. Zvyagin

Zvyagin Anatolii Illarionovich (born 14 November 1937 Panyutino, Kharkiv Region - died 4 May 1991 Kharkiv) – physicist-researcher, Doctor of Sciences (Physics and Mathematics), Professor, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, the State Prize of the Ukrainian SSR in Science and Technology, director of the Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering (1988-1991). He is known as the author of pioneer studies of dynamical (in the wide range of frequencies, including rf, IR, and optical ones), magnetic, and thermal properties of low-symmetric and low-dimensional magnetic insulators.