Andrei Mercea

Andrei Mercea (16 March 1925 – 24 January 2002) was a Romanian football forward. On 21 November 1948 Mercea played for CSCA București in the first ever CSCA București – Dinamo București derby. A book about him was written by Radu Romănescu, called Andrei Mercea – Campionul care desena inimi (Andrei Mercea – The champion that drew hearts)

Andrei Mercea

Andrei Mercea (16 March 1925 – 24 January 2002) was a Romanian football forward. On 21 November 1948 Mercea played for CSCA București in the first ever CSCA București – Dinamo București derby. A book about him was written by Radu Romănescu, called Andrei Mercea – Campionul care desena inimi (Andrei Mercea – The champion that drew hearts)