Anna Ballbona i Puig

Anna Ballbona i Puig (Montmeló, 1980) is a Catalan journalist, writer and literary critic. She usually collaborates on media such as , , El 9 Esportiu i . She studied Journalism, Literary theory and Comparative literature. In 2008 she was awarded the Premi Amadeu Oller for her first book of poems, La mare que et renyava era un robot. In 2016 she was one of the first writers to use the .

Anna Ballbona i Puig

Anna Ballbona i Puig (Montmeló, 1980) is a Catalan journalist, writer and literary critic. She usually collaborates on media such as , , El 9 Esportiu i . She studied Journalism, Literary theory and Comparative literature. In 2008 she was awarded the Premi Amadeu Oller for her first book of poems, La mare que et renyava era un robot. In 2016 she was one of the first writers to use the .