Anna Maria Janer Anglarill

Anna Maria Janer Anglarill (18 December 1800 - 11 January 1885) was a Spanish Roman Catholic Nun who established the Sisters of the Holy Family of Urgell. She dedicated her life to the service of God through aiding the poor and downtrodden across Spain in hospitals and educational facilities. The beatification celebration for the late religious was held on 8 October 2011 in Urgell. Cardinal Angelo Amato presided over the celebration on the behalf of Pope Benedict XVI.

Anna Maria Janer Anglarill

Anna Maria Janer Anglarill (18 December 1800 - 11 January 1885) was a Spanish Roman Catholic Nun who established the Sisters of the Holy Family of Urgell. She dedicated her life to the service of God through aiding the poor and downtrodden across Spain in hospitals and educational facilities. The beatification celebration for the late religious was held on 8 October 2011 in Urgell. Cardinal Angelo Amato presided over the celebration on the behalf of Pope Benedict XVI.