Anne Skorecki Levy

Anne Skorecki Levy (born 1935) is an American educator and activist. A child Holocaust survivor, she is best known for her protest efforts against Louisiana State Representative, David Duke, about his Holocaust denial. Levy used her own Holocaust experiences to confront Duke in his runs for senate and governor. These confrontations inspired the political strategy used by the Stop Duke Movement and the Louisiana Coalition Against Racism and Nazism in Duke's run for Governor against Edwin Edwards in 1991, which was to expose Duke's Nazi and white supremacist leanings. Biographer Lawrence Powell notes, “Anne Levy shows how one person can become the moral compass for a movement.” Levy continues her work to this day as an educator for the Southern Institute for Education and Research and the Na

Anne Skorecki Levy

Anne Skorecki Levy (born 1935) is an American educator and activist. A child Holocaust survivor, she is best known for her protest efforts against Louisiana State Representative, David Duke, about his Holocaust denial. Levy used her own Holocaust experiences to confront Duke in his runs for senate and governor. These confrontations inspired the political strategy used by the Stop Duke Movement and the Louisiana Coalition Against Racism and Nazism in Duke's run for Governor against Edwin Edwards in 1991, which was to expose Duke's Nazi and white supremacist leanings. Biographer Lawrence Powell notes, “Anne Levy shows how one person can become the moral compass for a movement.” Levy continues her work to this day as an educator for the Southern Institute for Education and Research and the Na