Antheia (Thrace)

Antheia (Ancient Greek: Ἄνθεια) was a town on the western coast of the Pontus Euxinus (Black Sea) in ancient Thrace, a colony of the Milesians and Phocaeans. It later bore the Latin name Anthium, and was the precursor settlement to Apollonia Pontica (modern Sozopol). It was located on the Gulf of Burgas between the modern cities of Burgas and Sozopol in Bulgaria.

Antheia (Thrace)

Antheia (Ancient Greek: Ἄνθεια) was a town on the western coast of the Pontus Euxinus (Black Sea) in ancient Thrace, a colony of the Milesians and Phocaeans. It later bore the Latin name Anthium, and was the precursor settlement to Apollonia Pontica (modern Sozopol). It was located on the Gulf of Burgas between the modern cities of Burgas and Sozopol in Bulgaria.