Anthems: The Tour

Anthems: The Tour was the debut headlining concert tour by English stage actress and singer Kerry Ellis with Queen guitarist Brian May. The tour, comprising 16 dates in Great Britain, supported her debut album Anthems. Beginning with two charity performances, titled Anthems: The Concert, on 1 May 2011 at the Royal Albert Hall, the tour followed commenced on 3 May 2011 and ended on 16 July 2011 with a special titled Anthems in the Park at RAF Cranwell. Receiving positive reviews, the tour was complimented by critics for the pairing of May's sound and Ellis' vocals.

Anthems: The Tour

Anthems: The Tour was the debut headlining concert tour by English stage actress and singer Kerry Ellis with Queen guitarist Brian May. The tour, comprising 16 dates in Great Britain, supported her debut album Anthems. Beginning with two charity performances, titled Anthems: The Concert, on 1 May 2011 at the Royal Albert Hall, the tour followed commenced on 3 May 2011 and ended on 16 July 2011 with a special titled Anthems in the Park at RAF Cranwell. Receiving positive reviews, the tour was complimented by critics for the pairing of May's sound and Ellis' vocals.