Antisemitism in contemporary Hungary

Antisemitism in contemporary Hungary remains a controversial topic. One of its milestones was the 1882-3 Tiszaeszlár Affair, a blood libel. In the twentieth century antisemitism significantly intensified after the Béla Kun (of Jewish heritage) led short lived Spring 1919 bolshevik dictatorship and its brutal Red Terror followed by the White Terror. The hatred of Jews became operationalized in the interwar period, especially the late 1930s. There were massive deportations during World War II.

Antisemitism in contemporary Hungary

Antisemitism in contemporary Hungary remains a controversial topic. One of its milestones was the 1882-3 Tiszaeszlár Affair, a blood libel. In the twentieth century antisemitism significantly intensified after the Béla Kun (of Jewish heritage) led short lived Spring 1919 bolshevik dictatorship and its brutal Red Terror followed by the White Terror. The hatred of Jews became operationalized in the interwar period, especially the late 1930s. There were massive deportations during World War II.