Anton Peffenhauser

Anton Peffenhauser (1525 – 1603) was the foremost armourer in Augsburg during the late 16th century. He was trained by members of the Helmschmied family. He frequently collaborated with the armor etcher, (1525 – 1603), his exact contemporary, and their works are documented in a manuscript known as the . Peffenhauser worked for numerous princes in the Holy Roman Empire and beyond, and his workshop was especially favored by the Prince-Electors of Saxony, the Dukes of Bavaria, and members of the Spanish court.

Anton Peffenhauser

Anton Peffenhauser (1525 – 1603) was the foremost armourer in Augsburg during the late 16th century. He was trained by members of the Helmschmied family. He frequently collaborated with the armor etcher, (1525 – 1603), his exact contemporary, and their works are documented in a manuscript known as the . Peffenhauser worked for numerous princes in the Holy Roman Empire and beyond, and his workshop was especially favored by the Prince-Electors of Saxony, the Dukes of Bavaria, and members of the Spanish court.