Anton Vodnik

Anton Vodnik (28 May 1901 – 2 October 1965) was a Slovenian poet, art historian, and critic. He was one of the most notable representatives of Slovene Catholic expressionism in the interwar period. He was born in Ljubljana, and studied art history at the University of Vienna. He was member of the circle of young Slovene Catholic intellectuals gathered around the Christian left journal . In the late 1920s and early 1930s, he emerged as a renowned polemicist, especially directed against the influential left liberal critic Josip Vidmar, with whom he nevertheless maintained a cordial relationship. In the 1930s, he became one of the most notable contributors to the Catholic literary journal Dom in svet.

Anton Vodnik

Anton Vodnik (28 May 1901 – 2 October 1965) was a Slovenian poet, art historian, and critic. He was one of the most notable representatives of Slovene Catholic expressionism in the interwar period. He was born in Ljubljana, and studied art history at the University of Vienna. He was member of the circle of young Slovene Catholic intellectuals gathered around the Christian left journal . In the late 1920s and early 1930s, he emerged as a renowned polemicist, especially directed against the influential left liberal critic Josip Vidmar, with whom he nevertheless maintained a cordial relationship. In the 1930s, he became one of the most notable contributors to the Catholic literary journal Dom in svet.