Anything to Say?

Anything to Say? is an itinerant bronze sculpture and art installation by Italian artist which was placed in Berlin's Alexanderplatz on May Day 2015. It features the whistleblowers Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, and Chelsea Manning standing on three chairs; the entire installation, which includes a fourth, empty chair meant as a platform for public speaking, is to go on a global tour. The fourth empty chair invites individuals "to stand up instead of sitting like the others".The installation was unveiled by "ANYTHINGTOSAY," a private art project supported with an international crowdfunding. In 2016 was awarded the Prix Éthique 2016 by Anticor for Anything to Say?

Anything to Say?

Anything to Say? is an itinerant bronze sculpture and art installation by Italian artist which was placed in Berlin's Alexanderplatz on May Day 2015. It features the whistleblowers Edward Snowden, Julian Assange, and Chelsea Manning standing on three chairs; the entire installation, which includes a fourth, empty chair meant as a platform for public speaking, is to go on a global tour. The fourth empty chair invites individuals "to stand up instead of sitting like the others".The installation was unveiled by "ANYTHINGTOSAY," a private art project supported with an international crowdfunding. In 2016 was awarded the Prix Éthique 2016 by Anticor for Anything to Say?