
ApacheCon is the official open source software convention of the Apache Software Foundation, focused on the software projects hosted at the ASF, as well as on the development and governance philosophies of the ASF. In the early years the event was primarily about Apache HTTP Server, but as the Foundation grew, this expanded to encompass all Apache Software Foundation projects. The event was first held in 1998, before the official founding of the Apache Software Foundation, in San Francisco, California.


ApacheCon is the official open source software convention of the Apache Software Foundation, focused on the software projects hosted at the ASF, as well as on the development and governance philosophies of the ASF. In the early years the event was primarily about Apache HTTP Server, but as the Foundation grew, this expanded to encompass all Apache Software Foundation projects. The event was first held in 1998, before the official founding of the Apache Software Foundation, in San Francisco, California.