
Appin (Scottish Gaelic: An Apainn) is a coastal district of the Scottish West Highlands bounded to the west by Loch Linnhe, to the south by Loch Creran, to the east by the districts of Benderloch and Lorne, and to the north by Loch Leven. It lies north-east to south-west, and measures 14 miles (23 km) in length by 7 miles (11 km) in breadth. The name, meaning ‘abbey land’, in reference to Ligmore Abbey, is derived from the Middle Irish apdaine. The district is mainly in Argyll and Bute, with a coastal strip to the north, along Loch Leven, within the Argyll and Bute council area.


Appin (Scottish Gaelic: An Apainn) is a coastal district of the Scottish West Highlands bounded to the west by Loch Linnhe, to the south by Loch Creran, to the east by the districts of Benderloch and Lorne, and to the north by Loch Leven. It lies north-east to south-west, and measures 14 miles (23 km) in length by 7 miles (11 km) in breadth. The name, meaning ‘abbey land’, in reference to Ligmore Abbey, is derived from the Middle Irish apdaine. The district is mainly in Argyll and Bute, with a coastal strip to the north, along Loch Leven, within the Argyll and Bute council area.